Our Practice

What makes our practice so different?

We understand that changes to your vision, sudden eye issues, or even routine check-ups can make you feel anxious or uncertain. We also know that issues with your eyesight can interrupt your everyday life.

At DeBoer Eyecare, we believe that you deserve to feel completely confident in your eye care. Since 1962, we’ve provided trusted eye care and quality eyewear to thousands of patients.​

Dr. John DeBoer continues the work that his father, Dr. Henry DeBoer, began over 50 years ago. Joined by Dr. Brant Moolenaar and the rest of the office staff, we are committed to helping you see clearly again, and regain the best possible quality of life.

To get the care you need, all it takes is three easy steps.

  1. Start by scheduling an appointment. Whether you’re a new or established patient, simply call our office and we’ll find a time that works.
    DeMotte location: (219) 987-3673

  2. Visit our office. Whether you’re here for a routine eye exam or a specific issue, our doctors will treat you with the highest level of care.

  3. See clearly again. With professional treatment and high-quality materials, you’ll get exactly what you need to see life clearly.

Your eyesight is valuable, and we think you deserve to know it’s in good hands. Once you schedule an appointment, you’ll have taken the first step toward complete confidence in your eye care. ​

Schedule an appointment today so we can get started.

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