Personal Information Preferred Language*
Select Preferred Language English Spanish French Japanese Decline to specify
Select Race American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Decline to specify
Select Ethnicity Decline to specify Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Not Hispanic or Latino
Marital Status
Select Marital Status Divorced Legally Separated Married Single Widowed Other
Employment Status
Select Employment Status Legally Separated Married Single Widowed Other
How were you referred to our office?
Select Referral Type Friend or Family Family Doctor Ophthalmologist Insurance Company Newspaper Television Radio Received Mailing Internet Other Optometrist Other
Communication Preference
Select Communication Preference Email Postal Telephone
Medical History Do you drink alcohol?
Do you drink alcohol No Yes, 1 per week Yes, 1 per day Yes, 2 or 3 per day Yes, 4 or more per day
Do you smoke?
Do you smoke No Yes, 1/2 a pack per day Yes, 1 pack per day Yes, more than 1 pack per day
Please list all medical conditions you have ever had (Diabetes, High blood pressure, Arthritis, etc.)
Please list all eye conditions you have ever had (Glaucoma, Cataract, Wandering or Lazy eye, Retinal detachment)
Please list any medical or eye conditions that run in your family (blood relatives) (Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cancer, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, etc.)
Please list all hospital surgeries you have ever had:
Please list all prescription and over-the-counter medications you take and for what conditions
Please list all drug allergies you have
Please check off any current conditions you suffer from
Chronic fever, unexpected weight loss/gain, fatigue Ear/nose/throat problems ( eg. Hearing loss, sinus problems, sore throat) Heart problems (eg. Chest pain, irregular heart beat, swelling of feet, cold hands or feet) Respiratory problems (eg. Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing) Gastrointestinal problems (eg. Heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting) Genitourinary problems (eg. Painful urination, blood in urine, sex organ problems) Musculoskeletal problems (eg. Muscle aches, joint pain, swollen joints) Skin problems (eg. Rashes, excessive dryness, growths or lumps) Neurological problems (eg. Numbness, weakness, headaches, "blackouts") Psychiatric problems (eg. Depression, anxiety) Endocrine problems (eg. Frequent urination, thirst, feeling hot or cold all the time) Blood/Lymph problems (eg. Bruising, weakness, unusual paleness, swollen glands) Immune problems (eg. Frequent infections, allergic reactions to foods, dust, pollens)